Staying engaged with your customers can be the difference between surviving as your state and local community permits restaurants to re-open and permanently shutting down.
Because the future is uncertain, you might be thinking, “Is there a point in creating a marketing plan?” Of course, because without a plan, it is more challenging to attract and retain customers.
Even if you are operating with limited resources and offerings, use this opportunity to show your customers how you are planning for a successful re-opening. At a minimum, you should be in constant communication:
There are plenty of ways you can use social media to promote your restaurant effectively:
I always say that I don't believe I'm a chef. I try to be a storyteller.
- Jose Andrés
People love great food, especially when they care about the restaurant. Customers prefer their favorite restaurant because of how it makes them feel and how delicious the food is. Introduce them to the people behind their favorite food and restaurant.
People who are currently cooking at home are looking for ways to stay busy. You can take advantage of this opportunity and keep them engaged by
Even though this may seem counterintuitive, we are not saying you should give out your secret ingredient or family recipe. Just walk them through the steps so that they become more connected to your brand and familiar with the food they come to your restaurant to enjoy.
Even if you do decide to reveal the secret of your special sauce, you are still the expert, and your loyal customers will still come to you.
Now is the time for you to experiment with different social media channels that you have meant to try for your restaurant but haven’t taken the time to.
A popular form of social media marketing these days is live streaming on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. You can also
explore TikTok for ideas other restaurateurs have been posting on the video site.
A lot of people post clips of their
recipe videos
on TikTok, which means this can be an excellent space for your restaurant marketing strategy.
Many restaurant owners partner with different charities, like food banks and community-relief programs. Just because your restaurant isn’t getting its daily foot traffic, it doesn’t mean you cannot create a positive awareness in the community with the help of other local restaurateurs.
Local restaurant influencers are often well connected, and people turn to them for recommendations. If you foster positive relations with them, it can help you reach a broader customer base.
We know that right now, your restaurant business is hurting and trying to survive. When consumers regain their confidence, and your local economy starts to recover, make certain current and future customers are well-aware of your plans and how you can meet their pent-up desire to go out again.
Use this time to plan on how to re-open, keeping in mind food and customer safety while also focusing on how to regain profitability.
People love incentives. Now might be the time to create a loyalty card program, referral offers, or a
We understand that the future of the economy has created wholly new challenges for restaurants, cafes, and other eateries. However, it has also given restaurant owners opportunities to capitalize on change and try out marketing tactics to keep their customers engaged.
A well-planned strategy and a few smart marketing tactics can give your customers the reminder they need to keep your restaurant top-of-mind and reward you with their loyalty once the restaurant business recovers.
Meanwhile, Total Touch and our network of Certified Dealers can help you with managing your business, financing, and prepare to accelerate your re-opening. Call Total Touch POS at (800) 717-8360 to find the help you need.
*Terms and conditions apply. Requires enrollment in the Total Touch Processing Payback Plan.