How to Schedule Employees in Total Touch POS

Learn how to setup and schedule employees in Total Touch POS.

Scheduling Employees in Advance 

  1. Select: Schedule from the top menu. 
  2. Using the calendar, choose the date you wish to schedule your employees. 
  3. On the left-hand side, use the drop-down menu to select employees by job type.  

Choosing Employees and Shift Times 

  1. Start by selecting the job type you need filled. 
  2. Choose specific employees and click on the hours you would like them to work. 
  3. Click the purple arrow to add them.
  4. They will then appear on the Employee Schedule sheet for that day. 
  5. Continue adding employees until all the shifts you need covered are filled. 
  6. Once you are done, click Save. To see your schedule at a glance, click View Schedule from the top menu. 

Projected Sales Vs. Labor Projected Sales vs Labor can be calculated based on your schedule and history of sales. 

Removing a Shift 

  1. To remove a shift, click Schedule Maintenance from the top menu. 
  2. Choose the correct date from the calendar. 
  3. Select the employee you wish to remove by clicking on their name.
  4. Click the arrow going to the left.
  5. Confirm you would like to delete them from the schedule. 
  6. Click Save. Your timesheet will also show your projected labor costs.
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